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JAN - 15" X 20" | FEB - 15" X 20" | MAR - 15" X 20" | APR - 15" X 20" |
MAY - 15" X 20" | JUN - 15" X 20" | JUL - 15" X 20" | AUG - 15" X 20" |
SEP - 15" X 20" | OCT - 15" X 20" | NOV - 15" X 20" | DEC - 15" X 20" |
畫家金佩良運用其國畫、書法、篆刻、油畫、水彩和設計的藝術背景,收集並參考了中國數千年來傳統藝術如石刻、木刻、剪紙、刺繡、壁畫、陶瓷以及現代歐美畫風,繪製了這12條彩龍。每幅彩龍共使用了18 套色組合而成(一個背景色與17個彩龍本色),與中國書法四體(正、草、書、隸)的篆刻手法勾勒出"龍"字,使龍字的筆劃交錯成為不等形的獨特龍身色塊,成為12條名符其實的現代中國彩龍。 When artist Peiliang Jin was asked by the World Journal to create 12 unique dragons for their annual calendar, he knew he wanted to incorporate a wide variety of traditional and modern art from Chinese, European and American traditions. The finished works include elements of calligraphy,seal cutting, oil and watercolor painting, sculpture, wood and paper cutting,embroidery, wall painting, ceramics and porcelain. Each month’s illustration has as a background one of the 12 unique colors in the 12-Color Wheel and 17 other different colors. A different representation of the Chinese character for “dragon,” taken from history andliterature, is used for each illustration, making each dragon authentic and unique. | |||
JIN www.PLArtStudio.com Tel. (718) 886-0102 Email: PLArtStudio@yahoo.com Copyright - Since 2000. PLArt Studio. All Rights Reserved.